Saturday, July 9, 2022


Dentronix sodium hypochlorite


 Dentronix Sodium Hypochlorite

As you know Root canal treatment aims at complete removal of the connective tissue and the destruction of residual microorganisms found in infected root canals. And in addition, it seeks an effective solution to prevent recleaning of the root canal system with bacteria. The effective solution that you need for recleaning is the Dentronix Sodium Hypochlorite solution, as it displays a very effective antimicrobial activity against the microbiota of infected root canals.


Though Irrigating solutions play a main role in the successful biomechanical preparation of root canals, but if, it is Dentronix sodium hypochlorite then it has, the ability to oxidize and hydrolyze cell proteins and its tissue solvent capacity, increase its value as an irrigant solution. Thus, this chemical agent reaches and cleans new areas within infected root canals, dissolving necrotic-purulent tissues. 

And the best thing is it comes in 2 flavors i.e. MINT & STRAWBERRY & comes in a pack of 1. And you have a choice which one you want as they provide both 5% & 3% solution.



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